24 May '071 min read

Microsoft Windows must die

Today was the last day I booted Windows on my laptop after work. And this is the story:

  1. Open up the X-Box.
  2. Solder the sweet spots to remove the firmware write protection.
  3. Start Mechassault.
  4. Load save game and wait for Linux to boot.
  5. Launch cmd.exe.
  6. Start ftp.exe.
  7. cd /mnt/C and put M8_LBA48_IGR_C-06.bin.
  8. Fire up telnet and issue raincoat -p /mnt/C/M8_LBA48_IGR_C-06.bin.
  9. Reboot.
  10. Realize that a modern OS like Windows XP ships crap shit software that uploads files in ASCII-mode by default, instead of binary-mode like the rest of the world.
  11. Recommend a modchip to my friend while throwing random adult-only words at Microsoft.
  12. Rant on IRC.
  13. Write a blog entry.